Get Involved


George has on a given day more at least more than 150 people living on the street of which most are roaming around the Central Business District;

Cremhog distribute 80 meals per weekday to people on the street at 3 different locations. Meals are provided, cooked and hot, to our kitchen at Ithemba Centre and from there it is dished up and distributed to the 3 different locations.

Meals delivery mechanism

Meals are packed and then delivered by our team to 3 different locations with available transport. We have 5 volunteers that fetch the food daily on a rotational basis and bring the food to our kitchen for distribution. People que at these delivery locations and are served with a meal per person per day

The food for every day is fetched from the sponsors of these meals from their premisses. It is hot meals that are then distributed to 80 people on the street.

Needs – Get involved

Meals are packed and then delivered by our team to 3 different locations with available transport. We have 5 volunteers that fetch the food daily on a rotational basis and bring the food to our kitchen for distribution. People que at these delivery locations and are served with a meal per person per day

The food for every day is fetched from the sponsors of these meals from their premisses. It is hot meals that are then distributed to 75 people on the street.

  • We need basic food ingredients : rice, soya, vegetables, mince, etc.
  • We need volunteers to help distribute the meals daily.
  • We need small size pants, jackets and shoes no. 3 – 8.

How business or Church groups can get involved

  • Netjiese kratte kan neergesit word wat duidelik gemerk is vir Cremhog vir haweloses. Sodoende kan kerke en besighede gereeld nie bederfbare produkte en skoonmaak middels daarin sit. ‘n Gelamineerde lys van benodighede word saam met elke houers geplaas. Supermarkte kan ook betrek word.

  • Die jeug kan betrokke raak deur te help met kos uitdeel op ‘n Sondag. Uit vorige ervarings in die George-suid gemeente het dit ‘n groot impak gehad op ons tieners.
  • Kerke kan een Sondag ‘n maand se deurkollekte vir Cremhog allokeer of ‘n bed borg. Dit kan geloods word as ‘n uitdaging. Mense kan hulle gawes en talente gebruik deur dit te deel met ander. As meer kerke betrokke raak, kan die werk ligter wees deur weeklikse rotasies in plek te stel.

  • Die visie is dat Ithemba se inwoners hul eie naaldwerk en houtwerk produkte aan die publiek sal kan verkoop deur ‘n maandelikse markie te beman.

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